The past few months have flown by ... I can't believe it's almost Labor Day! I'm hoping to enjoy a beautiful week of sunshine and take in the last bits of summer. The bold flowers of summer are showing their colors.
My little tour guide is back to show you around the garden.
Purple coneflowers are abundant this year.
Echinacea's make a nice backdrop for the cherub fountain.
The dazzling zinnia blossoms in bright pink.
Rotkugel is one of the best ornamental oreganos for feeding bees and butterflies.
Roses of Sharon in my favorite color.
Black-eyed Susan's have been blooming for quite a while.
A beautiful waterlily graces the pond.
Japanese Anemones with their dainty blooms.
Native Chelone will bloom until fall. I just love the unusual flowers, which resemble the heads of snapping turtles.
A rustic wheel barrel filled with petunias sits on the patio.
Lazy summer days and star filled nights give you a chance to daydream ...
Hope you're enjoying your summer ... the warmth, the sun and the flowers :-)