On December 9, 2017 at 7:45 p.m. my beloved Cheops went to kitty heaven. He is now with his brother and no longer in distress. We were with him right up until the end, holding him and comforting him. After 15 1/2 wonderful years Cheops will always be in our hearts. He had such a big personality and brought so much joy to our lives.
In April of 2015, Cheops was diagnosed with diabetes. For two years we gave him insulin injections twice a day. He never once minded getting his medicine. In September of 2017, he started to lose weight and wasn't eating as well. It was necessary now to administer fluids. Once again he was so cooperative. I think I was affected more by this than he was. Nothing will ease the pain, but I know we did absolutely everything we could for him. He lived a long and happy life.
Happy trails until we are together again.
I love you my sweet Cheops!
I love you my sweet Cheops!
As long as you remember me,
my memory will live on.
My spirit will be there with you
At every breaking dawn.
I’ll sing to you through birds in spring
and whisper through the trees,
I’ll bring you gentle comfort with
A warm, caressing breeze.
As long as you remember me,
my love will fill your heart
and help to ease the sorrow
That you feel while we’re apart.
With thoughts of me,
perhaps you’ll see
the wonder of each day,
the joy of sunlit afternoons,
and nature’s grand display.
As long as you remember me,
I always will be near
to lend you sweet tranquility
as nighttime stars appear.
The bond that we have shared
will be a link from me to you
to give you hope for brighter days
and strength to see you through.