Saturday, August 21, 2010

Halloween Crows

Here is another "spooky" Halloween card for you.  Have you seen the new Memory Box Blackbird Designer Paper?  I just love every sheet in this pack.

Card Recipe:
Stamps:  Graveyard Gala, Halloween Backgrounds
Paper:  Black Linen, Kiwi Kiss, Memory Box Blackbird Designer Paper
Ink:  StazOn Black
Accessories:  Black Brads, Spooky Treats Rub-Ons


KarinsArtScrap said...

creepy scary crows you have stamped donna
it looks like the movie
"the birds"

greetings karin

Amanda said...

Keep the Halloween cards coming Donna. I just love them!

Carol Parcell said...

very nice! a great halloween card!

Wendy said...

Hi Donne, I LOVE looking at your work, it is so excellent! My youngest son was born on Halloween so I am always trying to come up with something nice to make for Halloween. Next year I will try to take in your ideas because I also love crows and bought a few new stamps from Stampin Up just to get my hands on the crows. We have lots here where we live so we feed them year round with the other birds. Magpies, tiny owls and crows and phesants. Keep up the great work, Lots of Love from Wendy Kuchta XOXO