Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring Cleaning

This is just a quick post in case you were wondering what I have been up to behind the scenes.  I decided a couple of weeks ago to tackle the storage area in my basement.  I have been sorting through items and making piles (keep, sell, and give to charity).

It is amazing the items that seem to have found their way down there which I had forgotten about.  One new discovery was a set of dishes - what a great find!  I brought them upstairs right away and decided after spending the winter months looking at the same decor it was time for a change.  So, I have been packing up my current dishes and reorganizing my kitchen cabinets.

I also found a beautiful set of flower pots which I have decorated with lavender and pink roses.  I think these pots will look nice in my sunroom amongst my house plants.  Oh, since I mentioned house plants does anyone know what type this one could be?  I have had it for several years and it blooms regularly. 

Here is a close up of the flower.

This past weekend was beautiful here in the Northeast so I was busy working in my flower gardens preparing them for mulch and raking the lawn.  If I haven't stopped by to visit your blog its not because I haven't been thinking about you all ... I just have been a little busy spring cleaning.

See you soon!


Amanda said...

Hi Donna, your plant is called 'Hoya' or Wax Plant. It is an absolute beauty! I see you have the one with the variegated leaves - it is not that readily available. You can make new plants from it while it is flowering. Good luck with the cleaning!!
Hugs from sunny South-Africa

Connie B. said...

I love Spring cleaning and finding something wonderful. The plant is a beauty. Good to know the name now.

KarinsArtScrap said...

well donna now we know the name too.
have a great spring cleaning.

greetings karin

Ariadna said...

Hi Donna
Thank you for the lovely card... I really liked it! You didn't have to do that, but thanks for it.
Kind regards

KER said...

i so want to spring clean...and once i'm more or less pain free...WATCH OUT!...enjoy your new decor and rearranged kitchen...feels good to switch things up or even straighten up

Barb said...

I think your plant is a hoya plant. You are very fortunate to see it bloom as I believe it is a bit stubborn about that. Keep doing what you are doing. Barb

Karen Lewis said...

We have one of these which I have had for many years and although at first it was a little bashful, for the last 10 years or more it has flowered regularly, sometimes even twice a year. It has a beautiful scent, although the sticky stuff it exudes can be a pain to clean off the window ledge.

It has to be a tough little thing because house plants and I don't usually rub well together. They either keep, like this and the money tree plant that is nearly 20 years old now, or die rapidly. :-)

And I really love your Stampscapes scenes - beautiful.

Kind regards,


Donna Heber said...

Thank you Amanda, Barb, and Karen! I finally have a name for my plant :-) I am going to keep it right where it is as it seems to love the light.

Anne Marie Hile said...

Spring cleaning is so much fun! I'm in the midst of that myself. I'm very impressed with how well your plant is doing. My MIL has one and has never gotten hers to bloom. :)

Carrie Sampsel said...

What a beautiful bloom that plant has. Hope your Spring cleaning has gone well!!

Denise Bryant said...

I have a couple of Hoya plants too, and I see that someone else has already posted the name. They are gorgeous plants. I have a green leafed one and a variegated leaf one as well. If you found a spot for it where it blooms then I would leave it right there. It must be getting the right light.

gale said...

What a beautiful plant. I'll have to look for one of those. I love flowering houseplants.

Polished Moxie said...

Anything with the word "spring" in it sounds good to me (even if it is cleaning). I've been working in my garden too. We'll be bringing in a lot of mulch this year! BTW: Lovely plant.