Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Farewell to Autumn

It looks like this will be our final garden stroll.  As the leaves softly whisper to the wind the colors slowly start to fade.

A dwarf Fothergilla planted for its autumn beauty with leaves in a fiery glow of red, burgundy, yellow and orange.

When most trees have already dropped their leaves my Cleveland Pear puts on a show.

Spots of color can still be found here and there.

The trumpet honeysuckle vine is a showy, sassy climber and looks great in autumn with yellow leaves. 

Nestled among my Virginia Sweetspire and Summersweet bushes I have a few Miscanthus grasses.

White flowers appear in tassel-like inflorescence above the foliage in late summer, gradually turning into silvery white plumes as the seeds mature.  They provide winter interest when everything else is bare.

I've spent the last couple of weeks cherishing the moments of autumn - breathing the crisp, cool autumn air and watching the leaves flutter from the trees with each gust of wind.

Although Halloween may be over the spider webs still glisten with dew.

As dawn breaks, pearl like water droplets stretch across our spruce trees.  Each intricate design so unique as it sways from side to side.

Thank you for stopping to visit me and for letting me share my gardens with you.  I have been very busy the last few days finishing up some custom card orders.  I'm also working on a few other projects, which I can't quite reveal yet ... so stay tuned. 

Today I am joining ...

Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style
Share Your Cup Thursday @ Have a daily cup from Mrs. Olson
This or That Thursday @ Deb Duty Photography
Fertilizer Friday @ Tootsie Time
Photo Friday @ Hollie Rogue
Show Off Friday @ What About
Open House Friday @ Bernideen's Tea Time
Floral Friday Fotos @ Floral Friday 


Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Thank you for the lovely stroll, Donna. Your gardens are beautiful all seasons of the year. I love the spider web in the spruce tree. Lovely. xx

Terry said...

I love the spider webs! We have tons of leaves everywhere... and more to drop! Great photos.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

You still have some pretty color! But my favorites are the grasses and the spider webs.

Sunray Gardens said...

Wonderful color Donna. Now those web photos are fantastic shots.
Cher Sunray Gardens

flowersandhome said...

Love autumn's changing colours, as if nature keeps repainting everything, so beautiful, a last explosion of colour before winter sets in. And the spiderwebs are little pieces of art really.

Liz @ Sit With Me In My Garden said...

As always Donna it's a pleasure to view your yard, plants and trees. Your capture of the spiderweb is awesome! It's so well done- my compliments to the spider!! I cut a few pieces of my grass to use for a tablescape. I love seeing them in the winter- it's a great reminder of the season past.

KarinsArtScrap said...

wowwwwww gorgeous pictures Donna, specialy with those spiderweb.

greetings karin

betty-NZ said...

A lovely series of shots. Love the colors and the spider webs!

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

Donna this was breathtaking...

Linda said...

Wonderful photos.....

Beth said...

There is beautiful color in your garden, Donna. I loved seeing the spider webs too. Have a nice wknd!

Birgitta said...

These photos are wonderful!

LindyLouMac said...

What a lovely selection of autumn colours in your garden, lovely photos.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Very pretty shots! The colors are just lovely. My favorite is the trumpet honeysuckle vine.

Thanks for visiting my blog! :)

Athena at Minervas Garden said...

Your garden is lovely, Donna--I really like the fothergilla. And those spider webs--works of art!

Unknown said...

Delightful post, Donna!
it comes to mind ...

The Rusty Blade grass.
Rime over the vineyards.
Another wrinkle.

I hope you like haiku.
Have a great weekend!

Chris said...

Your is always so much fun to visit! The walk around your gardens is serene and peaceful! Love, love your Spider Web!! It is truly a work of art! Thanks, Donna!

Modern Mom said...

What lovely yard you have.

Red Spines

Icy BC said...

Your autumn photos are beautiful, and each one is a charm!

Cheryl said...

Beautiful photos! Thank you so much for sharing.

DeniseinVA said...

A wonderful series of photos Donna, very enjoyable!

Wayne W Smith said...

What a beautiful set of photos! Fabulous.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Great pictures. I really love the spiderweb shots!

Zinnia said...

Beautiful autumn colors in your garden. With me, all leaves have already fallen off. Your picture on the spider web is amazing. I wish you a great week! Zinnia

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Donna your Autumn garden is beautiful! Mine is blanketed with snow, but now melting fast. The spider web pictures are amazing! Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.