Sunday, June 12, 2022

June Blooms ...

Hi everyone,

I can't believe it is almost the middle of June already!

Today I want to share with you a project we started a few weeks ago. We finally decided to move the arbor from the northwest corner of our property to create a new entrance to our backyard. At the time it sounded like an easy job, but the arbor was set in concrete! Hubby did a fantastic job moving and restoring it. 

I love how he integrated the arbor into our existing garden. 

I planted Peaches & Cream Honeysuckle vines and look forward to seeing the blooms next year!

This week I was able to enjoy the last of my lilacs. Just as I was getting ready to take this photo, a yellow Tiger Swallowtail made it perfect.  

Wisteria 'Blue Moon' has been putting on a show... the pollinators love it!

Peonies are abundant, but with the recent rain the petals have started to fall.

Purple geraniums are happy, creeping and spreading...

Salvia is a staple in my gardens.  It is such a hardy perennial for the northeast.  I've started to mix the pinks & purples together.

Last fall I planted Allium 'Roseum' and wasn't sure if the tiny little bulbs would make it through the winter.  To my surprise I have blush frilly globes appearing.

Honeysuckle 'Mandarin' is bursting with color.  Every year this vine just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Our amphibians and Koi seem to cohabitate very well together in the garden pond.

Wishing you a happy new week!
Don't forget to stop and enjoy the simple things life has to offer.


Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

OH! Donna what a gorgeous garden you have, we also have a few of your garden plants in our gaarden too, although not looking so good as yours yet.
Enjoy your paradise.
Faith x

Donna Ellis said...

How incredibly gorgeous, Donna! I am in love with your garden, and feel as though I was just treated to a special garden adventure through your photos, particularly since most of those plants do not fair well our climate. Glad your hubby stuck with the arbor project. It looks beautiful! Isn't that always the case - what appears to be fairly simple ends up being a major project! thanks for sharing. hugs, de

Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Hi Donna,
Just came across one of your comments on my blog from awhile back and thought I would come see if you were still blogging. Happy to see you were at least up until June, hoping you are just taking a break for Summer. Hope this finds you doing well hon. Can hardly believe we are in 10 days into August already.
Well take care hon,
All your flowers are so lovely.

Crystal Digitizing said...

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