Friday, May 20, 2011

Lilacs from the Garden

As I sit and listen to the soft gentle rain, I am enjoying the lilacs my husband picked from our bush.  The delicate flowers are so fragrant like a sweet rose with a hint of vanilla.

The rain is refreshing, renewing and nourishing.  It gives us time to reflect.

"Let the rain kiss you.  Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.  Let the rain sing you a lullaby." ~ Langston Hughes


Janet said...

your lilacs are so beautiful. We are having a nice steady rain here as well. Have a wonderful weekend! Janet

Karen said...

Mmm! I can just smell them. Can't wait until ours are in blossom. Hope the weather clears here for our Victoria Day long weekend :)

KarinsArtScrap said...

this is gorgeous, your flowers are great donna.

greetings karin

Polished Moxie said...

Lilacs bring back fond memories of my Grandmother. She always had a vase of them in the house when they were blooming. Lovely picture.

Sherry Kushibab said...

I LOVE the smell of lilacs! When I was a kid I was always picking them from the bush and putting them in my room - thanks for the memory.

Chris said...

The lilacs are beautiful! It must really be Spring! The weather here has made me wonder but seeing lilac... yup...Spring is here!

paige said...

Oh, lilacs are my favorite! Your photo makes my senses sing!

Connie B. said...

I love lilacs. I miss the bush we had at our home in West Point before we moved. I am thinking of buying another bush.. Thanks of sharing your pic.

Laurie Unger said...

Beautiful! I miss mine this year. My DH cut it back and we didn't get any blooms! So sad to miss that wonderful smell!

Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

Oh, so pretty! I don't have any lilacs in my yard, I need to get one! Thanks so much for visiting and for your sweet comments! Hope your week is wonderful. :)

Anne Marie Hile said...

I used to have a lilac bush outside my bedroom window growing up and that scent always brings back such wonderful memories for me. Such a beautiful arrangement, enjoy them! :)

gale said...

Gorgeous flowers. We have lilacs in our front yard and I can smell them when I go to get the mail.

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