Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wishes ...

"W" is for Wishes ...

This week at Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday we are studying the letter "W".  Oh, how I love to wish upon a shooting star!  Can we really make wishes come true?  I thought I would share with you today some cute ways to make your wishes come true, now and every day to come (at least that is what they say).

  • If you catch the time on the clock at 11:11 make a wish.
  • If you hear a bird singing in the rain, make a wish.
  • If three birds perch together on one wire, make a wish.  If you finish your wish before any of them fly away, it will come true.
  • If you find an empty bird's nest, you get a wish.  If it has part of an eggshell in it, you get two wishes.
  • At the first sign of a rainbow, make a wish.
  • When you find a four-leaf clover, pick it without breaking off any leaves, make a wish on it, and carry it with you the next 24 hours.  If any leaves break off during these 24 hours, your wish will not come true.

"There wouldn't be a sky full of stars if we were all meant
to wish on the same one."
~ Frances Clark ~

I hope you will join me today in a fun survey about wishes.  Do you have a spell to make wishes come true?  If so, please do tell us your secret in the comments section.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Thank you so much for stopping to visit me and I do hope ALL your wishes come true!


KarinsArtScrap said...

hi donna i did my wish.

greetings karin

Donna said...

'When I wish upon a star ...'

It's so fun teaching the wee ones about wishing upon the stars!


Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Not sure I believe in wishes coming true...

It is a nice thought though!

Judie said...

I love that "Wishes" poster!!! Great "W" post, Donna.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

This was a fun post, Donna! Ever since childhood I've always wished on the first star I see in the sky at night and when I blow on dandelions. Happily I think some of my wishes have come true in my lifetime. :)

Anonymous said...

JDaniel and I have had a blast making wishes on dandelion this spring.

Anonymous said...

What a fun post! It's been a long time since I've seen a wishing star.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

I like these 11 ideas to wish upon. The four leaves clover is new to me, so I must look for one, and wish..

Herding Cats said...

Wonderful wish filled post!

Tracy said...

I like the idea of 11:11 wishes

Susan Anderson said...

We also wish on the turkey wishbones.


Susan Anderson said...

And of course, blowing out our candles on the birthday cakes...


Brenda said...

I attach my wishes to every means! And then apply Faith to those wishes. If we don't believe they will come true, then why wish...
Beautiful post!

sharonssunlitmemories said...

I've had wishes come true - and sometimes the unexpected ones. I made a wish a long time ago on the Wishing Steps at Blarney Castle. It was a very improbable wish at the time, but it came true years later. I loved your post!

KER said...

W is for Wonderful..which your post is...and love the first pic/motivational poster...made me laugh thanks

Ames said...

That was fun.~Ames

MiamiKel said...

Oh my, what a fun post to see tonight in my long overdue life of catching up! I have missed you most of all due to the sheer beauty I see on your blog and stunning photography. I am smiling becuase when I'm driving down the road with the girls and they see 12:34 on the clock they all scream "make a wish!!" :)

Lola said...

Hi again!

Visiting from Mrs Matlock’s, thanks for stopping by and look forward to *seeing* you again soon!

Great post – such fun!

Have a great weekend too.

Rosemary said...

Donna made me smile at all the ways to wish.... now wonder what I can wish for..........more time to visit blogs......

Anonymous said...

I always remembered the old wishbone, the four leaf clover and the birthday candles- and was always told if you told your wish it wouldn't come true... I think they're probably old wives tales, but it's always good to wish- it makes you feel good :-)

Jenny said...

I love this post for the letter W!

Wishes truly are a Wonder!

Thanks for linking.
