Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

I couldn't let today go by without wishing you all a day filled with sparkles!  Summer is here and it is a beautiful day.  We plan to spend it enjoying the gardens, going to the lake and then having a barbeque on the patio.

A photo of my Abraham Darby after an evening shower.

Luscious peachy pastel petals ...

When the sun goes down enjoy the fireworks!

Have a fabulous Fourth of July everyone and stay safe.
I'm linking with the following parties:

Cottage Garden Party @ Fishtail Cottage
Flower Art Friday @ Photos by LeAnne
Fertilizer Friday @ Tootsie Time
Floral Friday Fotos @ Floral Friday
Flowers on Saturday @ Blueberry Craft & Hobby


Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

Hi Donna,

Happy 4th of July!!! Beautiful flower it makes my heart sing :)


Rosemary said...

Happy 4th to you ..... love that rose caught it beautifully with the raindrops on it. I too have it mine is more cream and rose...and the scent lovely.

MiamiKel said...

So pretty! Happy 4th to you!!

Ellen Whyte said...

Happy 4th of July! Enjoy your sparkles and the BBQ.

Terry said...

I love the look of your blog, and your photos are beautiful! I'm now following you, and hope you'll follow me!

Happy Stampin'


Lisa Gordon said...

Beautifully done, Donna.
I especially love the second one.
Simply magnificent.

Katherines Corner said...

lovely photos. hoping your celebration was a fun one.xo

Cheryl said...

Beautiful photos! I hope you had a fabulous 4th!

Sherri B. said...

What beautiful photos - I especially love the second one. So lovely!

Unknown said...

Love the second shot - simply gorgeous!

Athena at Minervas Garden said...

Hi Donna: Loved that last picture of the cupcake and fireworks--very clever! And your Abraham Darby rose is just gorgeous--I love cabbage roses with all those petals. Take care, and have a great weekend!

Jeanne said...

Your rose is just stunning and what a cute cupcake with the sparkler!

Beth said...

Abraham Darby is spectacular! I have two new David Austins that have not yet bloomed. Sister Elizabeth has tiny pink buds so I am excited for her arrival! Love the cupcake pic too. Thanks for your kind comments re my new template.
xo Beth

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Your rose blossom is gorgeous! Love your sparkler cupcake too.

Carla said...

What a beautiful bloom...and cupcake...yum:)

My Little Home and Garden said...

That is a beautiful rose. I hope you had a happy 4th.

Deborah said...

beautiful vintage rose and a great capture!

Deanna said...

What a gorgeous rose, I love all the multiple petals. And your little 4th of July cupcake is so sweet!! Love it!

LeAnne said...

Exquisite rose. Thanks for sharing with Flower Art Friday!