Thursday, January 23, 2014

Love ...

 Love is in the air ... can you feel it?  Tonight I am sharing with you some of my Valentine's Day decorations.  Remember the cute Valentines we use to bring home from elementary school?

A sweet Valentine basket holds a pink embossed dish filled with ornaments.

This scalloped edge mirror is the perfect centerpiece for rose scented candles.

I just love sparkly things ...

Reflections from the glass jars  :-)

The wrought iron mirror in the parlor decorated with dangling hearts.

"To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven." ~ Karen Sunde

In my travels I found these mercury ornaments with crystal encrusted tops.

My favorite lantern has been decorated in roses.

I created a candle ring from a rose garland.

This little birdie is a sure sign that spring will soon be on its way!

 A string of vintage hearts dangles across a faux whitewashed window.

This romantic wreath created from silk organza fabric.

The roses are book pages edged with ink.

Some candles, roses and white lights dress up the cabinet.

I always look forward to decorating for Valentine's Day.  The shades of pink brighten the cold winter days.  I hope you will stop back tomorrow to enter my giveaway.

Stay warm my friends!

Tonight I am joining ...

Home Sweet Home @ The Charm of Home
Show and Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home
Shabbilicious Friday @ Shabby Art Boutique


Trisha said...

So, so pretty! I love the soft pinks, whites and silvers you have displayed. Have a great week!


Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Hi Donna,
Love all your Valentine's vignettes.
That soft pink is just so pretty and
feminine. Love the hearts hanging on the mirror and the windows. Such a cute idea!
Everything is lovely............
Happy Valentine's Day early,
Blessings, Nellie

Becky said...

wow, what beautiful decorations.

Terry said...

Love the pinks and vanilla together. That mirror is fabulous! I have those heart ornaments - only in red. Hope you have a wonderful end to week/weekend.

Di said...

Donna, that wreath is so pretty. How did you make it? Love your mirror!

Beth said...

Beautiful decor,Donna! I love the wreath!

roxie said...

This is so feminine that I feel I ought to have a cup of tea and two pink cookies just to read it. What a lovely blog!

Cynthia said...

Beautiful decorations and such softness. Love that lantern and the wreath. The little hearts are so cute.


Lisa Gordon said...

These are so pretty, Donna.
I just love the heart wreath.

fairyrocks said...

This is a beautiful post. Your decorations are so pretty in soft pink and white.

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

It's all looking very romantic at your house Donna. Thank you for sharing at Shabbilicious Friday.