Hello friends,
As I slowly emerge from hibernation, just like the garden critters do, I decided to add a squirrel nesting box to the yard. We have a line of mature trees along the side of our property which is the perfect place for it. I always see the squirrels running up & down these trees and jumping from branch to branch.
Since there are so many bird feeders and houses I thought it was about time I took care of the squirrels too. Now, I didn't mention anything to my husband about it. Some things are better off left unsaid. So, when the box arrived and he saw the return label as Duncraft he said to me "What did you buy?" My response was "I'm going to need your help with putting this up." He then did the eye roll with a shake of his head.
I started by lining the inside with dried leaves and twigs. It's all ready for their new home.
Hubby then roped the box around the tree to make it easier to fasten it.
He doesn't think they will use it ...
The very next day I said let's go check out the new box. Sure enough there was a squirrel hanging out in the tree. He wasn't in the box, but things sure do look promising.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed and I'll let you know if I see any babies.
Have a wonderful week!

ahhhhhhh sweet Donna
Gr Karin
Ohhh... Such sweet box and home for the squirrels!
Hugs Alessandra
My hubby does the same thing, roll of the eyes and a shake of the head, says it all LOL. Love the idea of the box, but here in the UK, the grey squirrels are seen as vermin, there are so many, so we couldn't put a box up, EXCEPT if we had red squirrels, a UK native, which are being driven out by the greys, The red are now only in certain parts of the UK. I hope you get them to stay, they really are fun to watch, we have a few around us who visit the garden and plant the acorns everywhere.
What a fun experiment, Donna! You'll have to keep us updated!
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