Friday, April 26, 2013

Shooting the Moon

We all know a full moon can tend to make everyone a little crazy.  Perhaps it is the exuberant vibe it casts.   
So this morning I ventured outside around 3:30 a.m. to set up my camera.  Now keep in mind this is my first time shooting the moon so no fancy photography was done here.
There was such a peacefulness looking up at the universe and seeing the glow of the moon shine down upon me. 

There is a special lunar name for every full moon in a year.  This moon is known as the 'Pink' moon because of the wild ground phlox which covers in the spring.
I did not cast any spells, but rather made a very magical wish.  One I do hope will come true! 


Pat Hatt said...

Hope your wish comes true.

HELENE said...

Taking photos of the moon is tricky so well done for getting such a good result:-)

I love taking photos of both the sun and the moon, must have hundreds and hundreds of them by now, but none of them are the same!

Have a great week-end, take care, Helene.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

You did a great job photographing the moon! I hope your wish comes true!

Vee said...

Three in the morning? You are dedicated! And you were rewarded with a lovely shot of the moon. So pretty.

Birgitta said...

Great photo of the moon!

Chris said...

Wow! Fabulous picture, Donna! I do feel the serenity of the moon! I hope you went back to bed!

Lisa Gordon said...

Donna, this is fantastic!!

Have a great weekend.

Susan said...

Observing the night sky is a profound experience. Standing in awe is as close as I can get to describing the magnificence of the universe.

Connie B. said...

Great picture of the moon. You must have a terrific camera. Love this time of year.

MiamiKel said...

WOrth getting up for, I'm sure - stunning photograph!

Terry said...

Love it!

Athena at Minervas Garden said...

Beautiful photo, Donna, and I love the saying that goes with it as well.

Beth said...

Your moon photo is gorgeous!

Beth said...

Your moon photo is gorgeous!

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