Saturday, June 29, 2013

Breakfast in Bed

Both my husband and I have been feeling 'under the weather' lately.  First, he had the nasty summer cold thing going on and then he gave it to me - thanks honey!

I thought we could use a little breakfast in bed and some time with each other  :-)

Simple croissants and fresh fruit to nosh.

Who doesn't love a Mimosa once in a while!

Ahhh ... the scent of freshly brewed coffee.

When was the last time you had breakfast in bed?

Enjoy your weekend everyone!  Thanks for stopping by.


KarinsArtScrap said...

that looks delicious Donna.
and you and your hubby a lot of feel better wishes.

greetings karin

Connie B. said...

So elegant. I can't remember the last time we had breakfast in bed. You deserve the rest. Hope you are feeling better.

Hindustanka said...

Yea... sounds so lovely! I must try, though with less of decorations.
have a nice weekend!

Lisa Gordon said...

It looks wonderful, Donna, and surely the perfect way to rest and recover.
I hope you're both feeling better soon.

Cynthia said...

Sorry you have a summer cold, they are the worst!! Hope you feel better. What a lovely thing to do. I can't remember the last time we had breakfast in bed. Love the glasses and mimosa.


Katherines Corner said...

Donna, you make being sick look pretty and yummy, giggle. Hope you are both feeling better soon xo

Susan said...

My husband is away but now i know what i'll do for a treat on his return.

Carola Bartz said...

Beautiful and very atmospheric shots. I'm not a big fan of breakfast in bed, but yours look very tempting. I love those croissants.

Terry said...

Those berries look divine! I love the idea of breakfast in bed, but would rather sit upright to eat. :-) Your arrangement looks beautiful, and is sure to cheer up anyone not feeling well. I hope you recover quickly!

Rosemary said...

Donna Hope you and hubby are feeling better , surely after that B in Bed one has to perk up.......

Unknown said...

Sharing is always fun...hope you both feel better..
great photo's of some yummy looking treats..

MiamiKel said...

Gorgeous! I dont' think I've had breakfast in bed like ever, lol - way to go on sharing such a lovely morning!

CraveCute said...

Hope you are both feeling much better after your cozy weekend!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Hi Donna! I TOO am battling what I thought was allergies, but now have come to terms with having a cold. Sneezing, coughing, even laryngitis! Breakfast in bed would be a great way to pamper myself; that's something I never do!

Thank you for coming by to visit! Anita