Hi everyone,
Well, it is a new year and I am excited to once again be joining some friends for Tea Time Tuesday.
I hope you will join me today for a nice quiet cup of tea in my spare bedroom. Sometimes I just like to get away from it all and relax, don't you?
My teapot is from Arthur Wood and Son of Staffordshire, England. This English teapot is marked on the bottom with their name and has a pattern number 6627 in gold lettering. The beautiful floral motif has gorgeous workmanship. I would love to know more about it and what year this design is from.
The porcelain teacup and saucer are Skye McGhie in the "Cream Lace" pattern. The saucer has a pierced open lacy edge design and is about 5.75 inches wide. The cup has raised embossed heraldry plumes on the sides. On the bottom it reads "Skye McGhie Cream Lace Fine Porcelain".
The elegance of silvered mercury glass is displayed in this vase filled with peonies. This silvered glass has a sophisticated nostalgic charm. I love mercury glass and have numerous pieces.
We have several scrumptious truffles to enjoy with our tea. Our cappuccino is a dark-roast coffee with a velvet cream capped with white chocolate. The amaretto accented with sweet almond liqueur, and my husband's favorite is the dark chocolate raspberry. Please go ahead and take one - they really are delicious!
The tray is a Longaberger oval serving basket which I have decorated with a cream liner. The comforter I have in this bedroom is called "Memories". I love the shades of tearose, wineberry, bayberry and misty blue on a cream background. This rose garden blooms all year round!
Would you like to see my birdcage? This cage hangs from the ceiling in the northeast part of the room.
Thank you for stopping and having tea with me. I am linking with the following ladies this week.
Tea Time Tuesday @ Rose Chintz Cottage
Tea Cup Tuesday @ Martha's Favorites
Tea Party Tuesday @ Sweetology
Teacup & Saucer: Skye McGhie "Cream Lace" pattern
Teapot: Arthur Wood and Son
Vase: Mercury Glass
Basket: Longaberger Oval Serving Tray
Bedding, Rose Pictures & Birdcage: JCPenney

This is a gorgeous tea set, and beautiful bird cage.
hmmmmmmmmm nice cup off tea I like that.
specialy in that beautiful spire room.
it's looks beautiful donna and delicious. with those bonbon.
greetings karin
Donna, you are such a tease with those tasteful looking truffles! Mmmmm! Just when I'm trying my best and getting back to the gym after a busy few weeks. Love your spare room and your new blog design
just lovely! I want one of those truffles! HOw yummy. Thanks for linking up, great to see you.
Just a beautiuful tea party you are having. I love the creamy cup and saucer.
Hi Donna,
What a gorgeous teapot! It's a very pretty shape! I like your mercury glass too. We have the same teacup! I like anything made by Skye McGhie. Your truffles look yummy. Thanks for sharing this with us today and have a lovely week.
Hello Donna
Pretty teapot and right from the start, I was admiring the pattern on the comforter. I've come to appreciate Skye McGhie from some of the tea things Sandi shows and I have the teapot in the cream lace pattern. Shall I bring it over and join you with your teacup? No truffles I'm afraid, the big diet has started. :-)
Lovely tea pot! I love tea but I tend to drink it out of mugs. Yes, I'm a slob. I love lapsang suchon tea best.
I love your white china... I am starting to collect white dishes to go with the mushroom color of my kitchen. It's so elegant. Lovely rooms.
Hello Donna,
That is a gorgeous tea setting! I love your tea pot, the shape, the handle and all those beautiful flowers. What a treat to use it!
The white cup is lovely as well. The cutouts on the plate are so pretty as well as the raised design on the cups.
Thank you so much for joining in Tea Cup Tuesday!
What a wonderful setting! So pretty! The teapot dates to the 1990s. I love the Skye McGhie teacup and love tea on a tray! Happy TT!
Hi Donna,
I am delighted about the wonderful designed bedroom. Wonderful Roses everywhere - I just like that. And the tea set is beautiful, too. The teapost is amazing and the cream lace cup and saucer are so feminin and romantic. Thank you for sharing this delicious breakfast with tea and pralinees.
Best greetings, Johanna
Wow. I love your tea set and the room. I wish I had room to collect tea pots. I do drink it everyday in my office. Not quite as nice as your tea room.
Wow! Thanks for the tea and gentle music! I had a long, tough day and your blog makes all who visit feel very serene! Just what I needed!
Thanks again!!
Such beautiful roses. I love your photos.
Your collection of lovely teapots and cups is beautiful. I always enjoy these postings.
Really beautiful pictures. What could be more relaxing than tea in bed... Lovely..
What a beautiful teacup and saucer. I also LOVE Mercury Glass. Just beautiful!
I think I stayed in a room like this once.The place had no food though.They just set out some celery and carrot stixs.As a matter of fact I think my wife was sick and was on meds. at the time.
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