Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Strolling the Autumn Garden ...

The weather has certainly been conducive to enjoying the outdoors for the past several days.  My gardens continue to cycle through the various blooming plants.  As the cooler weather approaches I can feel autumn is in the air.

Today as I took a stroll around the yard I thought I would share with you some late summer blooms.

This Japanese Blood Grass 'Red Baron' has striking blades when backlit by the sunlight.

Here we have some Eupatorium 'Little Joe' with Goldenrod 'Fireworks' in the foreground.  This goldenrod adds the feel of fall with its yellow arching flower stalks radiating from the center like a burst of color from the evening skyline.  Soon they will be in full bloom.

While I was strolling look who I found!  He is a little camera shy and won't show his face.

I'm enjoying several different varities of Stonecrop.  This first plant is 'Brilliant' and attracts butterflies to the garden.

Just look at the honeybee on this sedum.  He or she doesn't have a care in the world.

This one is shorter in the front thanks to one of our garden bunnies.  I caught him snacking on it!

Origanum 'Rotkugel' also known as Ornamental Oregano is very showy in late August.  These plants were purchased years ago from High Country Gardens.  The flowering stems have large, loose heads of bi-color flowers with dark purple calyces and deep pink flowers.  This oregano looks nice nestled among my coneflowers and russian sage.     

Perovskia 'Blue Spires' Russian Sage are nice in floral arrangements. 

A Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet' is one of my favorite fall shrubs.  The olive green leaves are starting to turn maroon, standing out in the border.  To the left is a Ninebark 'Summer Wine' with dark crimson-red foliage and to the right a Miscanthus 'Morning Light' grass. 

Here is a closer look at the Virginia Sweetspire.

Marmalade Coral Bells are holding their color in pink, gold, amber and sienna.

Northern sea oats has arching foliage with decorative flat flowerheads that shimmer and rustle in the wind, aging to bronze by fall.

Chrysanthemums and kale are sprinkled throughout the patio for autumn color and scent.

As the gardens mature it is a joy for me to look out, stroll around, and see that our hard work has borne such beauty.  I hope you enjoy it too!

Thank you for coming to visit me.  I am linking with the following garden friends.

Bloomin' Tuesday @ Ms.Green Thumb Jean
Garden Tuesday @ Sidewalk Shoes
Outdoor Wednesday @ A Southern Daydreamer
Cottage Flora Thursday @ Fishtail Cottage


Sunray Gardens said...

Donna your garden is looking really lovely still. You have some really wonderful color going on and I love that Heuchera. Very pretty.
Cher Sunray Gardens

Francie G. said...

Thanks for sharing all that beauty, Donna! Lovely, lovely gardens!

Racquel said...

'Little Joe' and 'Fireworks' make great companions! :)

Pam~ said...

I always enjoy the picture tour of your gardens ... breathtaking, Ms. Green Thumb! Love 'em!

Karen said...

I really enjoy your garden tours. I'm so envious! I love the fall colours. Thanks for sharing.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Hi Donna
We have many of the same plants so it's nice to see how far along yours are in the season.
Does your perovskia self seed all over? I ended up pulling mine out as they were everywhere but sometimes I miss the striking silver and purple colour.
I like your froggie and the fairy I see behind the grass.

KarinsArtScrap said...

what wonderful flowers and plants donna.
they gett different colors now, they looking beautifully.

greetings karin

pam said...

Wow, I really like that ornamental oregano! Thanks for linking up!

Jean said...

The shrubs and grasses make a super fall statement! The oregano is lovely. Jean

Betty said...

Your garden looks lovely. Ours is a mess I am sad to say due to soo much rain. This weekend we will be cleaning it up.

meowmeowmans said...

Wow, Donna, your garden is so beautiful! Thanks for giving us a little tour. :)

Thank you also for visiting our blog, and for your nice comments. Praline will definitely find a forever home, as will all of the cats at PAWS. We love that it is a no-kill shelter, and wish all shelters could be.

Have a great day!

Connie B. said...

Beautiful flowers. What a great time of year...

Barb said...

Hi Donna, your garden is lovely....such pretty plants and flowers. The colors are so soothing to my eyes and I like the little frog. Wonderful pictures.


janice15 said...

It was nice of you to stop by...the pie turned out great it was my first time.. It's rich so you wouldn't want to eat a lot of it...lovely garden..hugs Janice

Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

Hi Donna,

I enjoyed your garden tour. All your flowers are so grand and very beautiful.

I adore seeing nature and the frog fits so well with your garden.


Rosemary said...

Autumn certainly has come to your garden .It is a delight. The colours of the blood grass and the Marmalade coral bells gorgeous..... all the mums....... enjoyed my walk thru..