Tuesday, March 12, 2013

20th Wedding Anniversary

Hi everyone,
Today my husband and I are celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary.  It seems just like yesterday that we were setting out on our honeymoon.  Over this period we have grown together.  We have so much to celebrate besides this milestone anniversary.  Both of us have been through so much over the past couple of years, but we were always there for one another.
There was no fancy wedding and no guests.  My dress came from the clearance rack at Macy's.  We just took a short drive to Town Hall to make it official.
It is time to look back at the good times and a time to look ahead to live our dreams together.
Happy Anniversary, Michael!


Heirloom treasures said...

Happy Anniversary,Donna and Michael. Material things like big fancy weddings don't always make for a loving happy marriage. You have shown that. Mine was similar and we have been happily married for 50yrs. I hope you will have many more happy years together. xx

Chris said...

Happy Anniversary, Donna! Thank you for sharing the great wedding day photos!

Ann Marie Governale said...

Precious photos... happy anniversary. It is very rewarding to look back and know you made it through all your good and bad times...together! xxx Ann Marie

Angella D. Crockett said...

Happy Anniversary! Love the photos!! May the Lord bless the next 20 and more!!!

Hindustanka said...

Happy Anniversary! Many many happy years ahead! Love in many cases doesn't need fancy wedding to flourish.
All the best wishes!

Sylvia said...

Happy Anniversary,Donna, may your years ahead together be blessed.

newbie85 said...

Happy Anniversary Donna and Michael! Yes, you have greown, and grown TOGETHER! That's what is importnt! And as you grow through things, your love will grow stronger! We, like Jeanette, have a story similar to yours also, and we also have celebrated our 50 last year! And we are excited for the many to come, for you and Michael, as us! Blessings

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Congratulations Donna. 20 years is a big milestone! My wedding dress was off the sale rack at JCPenney. It doesn't matter how fancy the wedding ceremony is- its what the two people do afterwards that makes the difference! It's nice to see your pretty face! We're heading for our 35th in April! No it hasn't always been easy or perfect- but we work at it. I hope you have a lovely day! Happy Anniversary, Liz

Julie Goucher said...

Congratulations! We hit our 20th next July!

Pam~ said...

Happy Anniversary, to you and your hubby! Such an adorable couple! :)

Pat Hatt said...

Happy anniversary and that is sure the way to do it, go to town hall and that is that.

Cynthia said...


Congrats!!! We will be clebrating 25 in little over a month. We keep saying it doesn't feel that long it feels like just yesterday. Enjoy your day!


Ariadne said...

Happy anniversary!AriadnefromGreece!

KarinsArtScrap said...

Happy Anniversary Donna and Micheal.
Have a great and beautiful day.

greetings karin

Beansieleigh said...

Awww.. Love your wedding photos, and wishing you both a very Happy Anniversary! ~tina

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Happy 20th Wedding Anniversary, Donna and Michael! Love seeing your wedding pictures. You were a beautiful bride. Wishing you many more Happy Anniversaries!

Sherry Kushibab said...

Congratulations - Marriage is a blessing, but it is also work, blessings on many more years of work and love together.

Becky said...

Happy Anniversary Donna & Michael!! How wonderful to be celebrating your love for one another for 20 years.

Bernideen said...

Happy Anniversary to the happy couple! Lovely sentiments!

HELENE said...

Happy Anniversary Donna, and thanks for sharing this day with us!

Shane Pollard said...

Dear Donna
Congratulations to you both.
Marriage is not about the trappings, but making a life together, loving and respecting each other and working your way through the difficult times.
Here's to the next 20 years and sharing many happy times together!
Shane ♥

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary to you both. 20 years is a few moons!!
I want to thank you for stopping by my "bunny" post. I will be sure to post the finished project.
Have a great rest of the week.

SandyK said...

For a simple little dress, you sure look beautiful in it. Congratulations to you both!

Trisha said...

Happy Anniversary to you!


Terry said...

Congrats on 20 years! It was nice to see the photos and read a personal note. :-)

MiamiKel said...

Happy 20th, Donna!! You were a beautiful bride! Congratulations on your 20 year Anniversary ~ next month will be my dh and I - we were newlyweds at the same time! :)

Lisa Gordon said...

What a beautiful couple you are!
I wish you both a very Happy Anniversary.